14 Photo Challenge
I’m kind of a sucker for photo challenges, and since one of my personal goals this year is to take more pictures… I’m all for Eventing in Color‘s 14 Photo Challenge.
The only rule was that they must be photos taken in 2014… well I took all of these this past weekend at the barn, so I think that counts!

20 thoughts on “14 Photo Challenge”
Very cool! It’s nice to get a look around your barn too. I am jealous you don’t have snow.
Great photos, your barn is stunning!
Thanks I love my barn!
I love this challenge. Once I get to the barn again and it’s not so cold that my fingers won’t even work for long enough to take photos…I may do it. Haha!
Great photos. Love the Mattes pad photo perspective.
I too am currently selling a saddle I love. Love love love. The only good part is, I already found the replacement that I am really loving as well – new saddle actually fits me and my horse better. So it’s a good thing.
Well that’s good! I have a potential replacement but am saving up some so I can try it out.
I’m going to do this once I get to Ohio, I think. Also, are you selling your current saddle? I might be able to hook you up with someone who’d be interested, if you can send me the details about it. She’s looking for an 18″ medium tree.
Great pictures! I have yet to even think about replacing my english saddle… I’m afraid to look at that price tag.
I am lucky I’m that the lady I’m working with seems to think the Prestige Roma will work with Simon and it’s within my price range
Love the photos, I always like to see where my fellow bloggers keep their horses and all their stuff 🙂
Love the Corgi shot! What a cutie! And Simon too 🙂
I love this challenge (my post is ready to go, just waiting to get through a few other things first!). I enjoy seeing where everyone’s horses live. Like … my hay stack is HUGE compared to yours yet we only feed four horses. Do you guys just buy hay weekly (daily?). Our stack usually lasts a good four – six months. Very interesting stuff!
I don’t know how often they buy hay, but I think it’s every 4-6 months like your barn. Our hay stack picture is a little deceiving because those are only the square bales. I didn’t take a picture, but up the hill there are TONS if round bales. The horses get round bales when they’re turned out and stall board horses get hay with meals when they’re turned in. So I’d guess the hay is 1/4 square bale and 3/4 round bale at our barn?
Love all the pictures and yes- it’s fun to see around your barn!!
I also agree – your barn is gorgeous. Love all the photos.
Great photos! The between the ears, saddle fitting one is really cool.
Oh my goodness! I love those pictures! I’m headed over to read all about the challenge now!
This was great! Can’t wait to do this…looked like you had fun doing it.
=) Thanks for doing the challenge! Wow your facility is awesome. And your tack is much cleaner than mine hahah!
Love the challenge! Great photos as always!