And Thus Begins My 30’s

And Thus Begins My 30’s

It’s my burfday.  I’m 30.


I kinda thought I’d have a lot more about life figured out by now, but I don’t.  That being said, I have more figured out than last year and I’m slightly less worried about the rest.  Progress?  Maturity?  Maybe something.

Either way, I did a 30 before 30 challenge on this day a year ago.  Time to officially review how I did!

Note – if you want to skip the boring list and go straight to my 31 challenge *which I need reader’s help with* just scroll to the bottom of this post!


30 Equestrian Things I’d Like To Do Before I’m 30

  1. Save up and buy a saddle I really love and covet. Well, I did buy a saddle
  2. Jump 3’0″Jumped 3’3″!
  3. Show in the jumpers Loved the jumpers!
  4. Canter bareback – I almost did! Then I realized I forgot a buck strap and chickened out.
  5. Take pictures of Simon galloping in the pasture
  6. Go watch a horse race – Went to Retama Park
  7. Go fox hunting
  8. Go cross country schoolingWent in January!
  9. Show dressage? – Had plans for this, but unfortunately lost my ride.
  10. Go watch/photograph at a major AQHA show – Stupid busy October and stupid “paying my bills” instead of going to see Tracy and QH Congress
  11. Get a fancy Delacoeur bonnet… with sparklesLearned to make my own!
  12. Paint a model horse to look like Simon – Pure laziness led to this not happenign
  13. Reach 500 SMTT Facebook fansAccomplished!
  14. Interview a BNR/BNT for the blogInterviewed Richie Moloney!
  15. Ride Simon bridlelessWasn’t hard at all!
  16. Win champion – This one is iffy.  I won both 2’3″ jumper classes at the LOPE show which would normally make me champion… but they didn’t give out champions for jumpers
  17. Get (another) equestrian tattoo – I’m a chicken, plus poor.
  18. Compete in a hunter derby62 on my first derby!
  19. Braid Simon’s tail for a show – Planned to, but then was like “meh”
  20. Go to an A show – Hahahhahaha I can’t get around local apparently
  21. Go to any show and not be nervousOvercame nerves and ended cool as a cucumber
  22. Visit WEF againWent for Week 10
  23. Invite a non-rider to the barn to visit & ride Simon – Techincally I invited many people.. but no one showed up
  24. Throw Simon a birthday partyHis 8th Birthday Party
  25. Compete in a “special” class at a horse show (not short bus special either) – Counting my two hunter derbies this year
  26. Keep this blog active – Check!
  27. Meet more equine bloggers in the fleshMet Andrea and Emily!
  28. Stay within my horse budget for the year – Even with unexpected things happening, I ended the year with no credit card debt
  29. Try to ride different horses when the chance allowsHave ridden a bunch!
  30. Continue to work on my partnership with Simonpants – Always a work in progress, but so nice to have a consistent, good minded horse to ride day after day

All in all, I accomplished 19 out of my 30 goals.  That’s over half.  I’m pretty okay with that, since some were completely out of my control.


So what about next year!?

I’m not going to do the same list of things to accomplish, but I do like the idea of a “Birthday Challenge”.  To ring in my 30’s, I want to do a photo challenge!  This is where you come in:

Please write in the comments an equestrian photo you would like me to take within the next year.  This can be a discipline shot, specific color of horse, etc.

I’m going to go through all the comments, and pick 31 to make as my photo challenge before my 31st birthday.  So, send me some items to photograph folks!

35 thoughts on “And Thus Begins My 30’s

  1. Happiest of birthdays!! While I don’t know how you’d do it – a timer or something? – the few shots I’ve seen of the underside of horses going over jumps is SO COOL. Such a different perspective. I don’t know how one would do this safely other than hunkering down and praying, but it the few results I’ve seen are so very cool. Seeing tucked knees from the underside as they sail over is just as cute lol

  2. Happy birthday! From experience, each decade just gets better and better (I’ll be 44 next week). My 40s have been the best by far.

    What photo do I want you to take? ONE OF ME RIDING!!!!! I would love one of your photos from a show. If you want to visit CA, we’ll make room for you. :0)

  3. Happy birthday!!!! I can’t believe you did that many in one year! I’ve been working on mine several years and don’t have that many lol.

    For a photo how about someone cantering bareback and bridleless?

  4. Happy happy birthday Lauren! I nominate a picture of an usual breed competing at one of the shows you attend. Something you wouldn’t expect to be there, hopefully doing okay though!

  5. happy birthday! i’d suggest icelandic horses. especially with that full mane blowing in the wind… in their natural environment! that would be fun. and you could participate the annual horse round up.

  6. Happy 30 years of being awesome!!!!! 🙂

    Some ideas for pictures…. you should take a picture of a dog jumping! Either agility or just for fun at the barn… or come to the new Tryon International and take lots of pictures!!! Or something fun would be to take a picture of one of the many wild horses out there in their “home” or during a round up- thinking mustangs, chincoteague ponies, outer banks ponies, there are some in the mountains of VA…. or find some horses with unusual markings or colors, like a badger face, interesting shaped star, a bridle horse! Ok so the bridle might be almost impossible to find but if you did find one THAT would be awesome!!!!

  7. Happy Birthday!!! I always love behind the scenes pictures at the track, the things that the general public doesn’t get to see. Not just one that shows all of the hard work, but one that shows the passion most people have for the horses.

  8. Happy Birthday Lauren! Hope you had a great day!

    I’d love to see some dressage photos, especially of some of the higher levels.

  9. Belated birthday wishes!!!!
    I love candid moment captured between horses & human. Whether at shows or lessons or general groundwork where relationships are on display.
    Or the artsy shots of tack, plaiting, show – life behend the scenes.

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