Blogger’s Weekend Swag Bag
In yesterday’s Blogger’s Weekend post I alluded to the swag bags, but I thought they deserved a post of their own to give our sponsor’s some more recognition.
First I want to thank Stephanie from Hand Gallop for having the idea to do swag bags and bringing treats, nose shavers and the bags themselves from The Horse of Course! This Oklahoma based tack shop does online ordering, consignment and specializes in a lot of premium harder to find brands.
Let’s look at the rest of the bag!
Riding Warehouse sent a 15% off coupon, bumper sticker and lip balm. I know a ton of blogger’s are big fans of this online store, so I’m super excited to use my coupon on a new schooling helmet as soon as I figure out what I want!
Noble Outfitters sent one of my favorite pairs of socks – the Xtreme Soft Boot Sock! I’ve been seeing the Noble Outfitters products in more and more tack stores, and hear rave reviews. If you haven’t tried something by them, I recommend it.
One Horse sent really cute koozies with their logo on them. Now every time I take a sip out of my favorite hard cider, I’ll be reminded that I need to pick up the new American Thoroughbred shirt! I love that design.
The Dover Saddlery store in Austin donated a fun product, Poo Poo Paper. They’re horse themed note cards that are recycled from poo! My husband finds this particularly hilarious.
Finally, Horze gave us a $15 coupon off your online order. I’ve reviewed a lot of Horze products on the blog before, and am a big fan of a lot of their tack. Their apparel is nice too, and I actually already used my coupon to put in an order for a new polo shirt.
Because you can never have too many polo shirts!
Thanks to all the sponsors (and Stephanie!) who made the swag bags possible. Since I know a lot of bloggers wanted to come to the weekend but couldn’t get here due to weather or finances or whatever, I wanted to giveaway one of the bags on the blog.
All you have to do to enter is fill out the Raffle Copter widget above and comment on the blog answering the following question: If there was another blogger’s weekend, what region(s) of the country would make it realistic for you to attend?
Entries close Friday, March 6th at 12:00am US Central time. Due to me footing the shipping for this giveaway, I’m going to have to limit entrants to US only. If you are under 18, please ask a parent’s permission before entering.
69 thoughts on “Blogger’s Weekend Swag Bag”
Awesome bags!!!
East Coast!
CA would be easiest. I would have liked to attend this year, but all kinds of wacky things were going on in my world that made it a bit difficult. Glad you all had a good time. :0)
I live within driving distance of NC, TN, VA, and WV. So anywhere around there would be awesome!
I think a Southeastern US meetup sounds great!
Other than California Austin would have been great for me if I wasn’t otherwise embroiled with businessessssssssssssssssssssss!
We definitely need to do an East Coast blog meet up!!
Poo Poo Paper!! How hilarious!!!!! Such goodies :).
Midwest would be totally wonderful! I wish I was in the position to host one. 🙁
I would be able to easily attend an East Coast/Mid-Atlantic blogger meetup!
Can we TALK about that American Thoroughbred design? SERIOUSLY? I love it. I already have 3 of their shirts and now I demand another.
Ah. Love you One Horse.
Most locations aren’t an issue for me, although meeting somewhere close to where I live would be awesome so I’d recommend the Ohio/Kentucky area on that. I assume no one wants to come to Michigan…
I would have been in Austin if I wasn’t buried in taxes, so I recommend the meetup no be in the January through April 15th time frame, lol.
I’d do Texas (hopefully next year) or the PNW.
East Coast! – MidAtlantic region, preferably 🙂
Anywhere is doable with notice! Would love to host here in Ontario in the summer 🙂
I’d go anywhere! The PNW would be fun because I could go see Dandy again.
I mean, you really can’t have a party without swag, and next year we’ll totally have to do swag AND t-shirts!
I am pretty good with wherever- I can get to most parts of the country within 8 hours!
What fun goodies!
I would be fine going to Texas next year. But it would make it sooo much easier if it was on the west coast. California would be awesome, or really anywhere in the PNW.
The East Coast for sure! Somewhere very, very close to the PA/MD border….
I would do Texas! It’s really not that far for me and I miss the weather.
fun!! definitely the east coast – preferably mid atlantic 🙂
Such a cool idea!!
West Coast!!
East Coast mid Atlantic area. Sounds like an awesome get together. I enjoy reading everyone’s posts about the visit.
Austin! It’s a hub for horse people and tech!
Northeast would be best, but I could conceivably get down to the Mid-Atlantic with enough planning time.
I think a Rolex blogger weekend would be awesome!! Not only can you watch the show, but there is the rest of the park, shopping, the Tb training center and lots of farm tours. Plus there are some great places to eat there!
That would be super cool!
That would be so cool! I’m going to Rolex this year though. 🙂
Austin is right down the road from me, but I’m not a blogger! 🙁
East Coast – NC! 🙂
We’d probably get in too much trouble if we ended up in Vegas I am guessing…
I’m easily up for a west coast (California!) meet up but I’m down for going anywhere once as I have a job (soon!) and my thesis is done (never!).
The swag bags are fantastic! And yes you do want one of the American Thoroughbred tees from One Horse–I just got one and I LOVE IT.
East coast! Mid-Atlantic (Delmarva/PA/WV/NJ) is the easiest, but anything on the east coast would be considered.
Awesome swag bags!
West coast meetup!
We so need to have a Bay Area one. I know there’s a bunch of us around here and it’s like the most expensive place in the country to visit so out-of-staters could get to visit SF while staying with local bloggers and kills 2 birds with 1 stone.
I’ll also second a Rolex meet-up. I hope someone organizes that so I can benefit from their planning skills.
Another vote for EAST COAST – mid-atlantic style 😀
I didn’t even know about this “bloggers’ weekend” until today! Lol….but for next time, somewhere in TX, OK, NM, or CO would work for me. I live in the Texas Panhandle, so I’m pretty central! 🙂
Toronto, Canada! Thats a bit silly though so maybe the North-east like Boston,MA
Second choice is mid-Atlantic or south-east!
awesome bags! now I’m even more sad I couldn’t make it!
I would love to count my pennies and join you guys for an epic meet up. So anywhere that I can fly to would be ideal for me…Plus months to save & plan a trip!!!
Something East coast! NC, SC, VA area!
East Coast!!
CA!!! I would love to help host!!
Great goodies! Hope to make it next year!!
And I vote California of course! I’m willing to help host!!
The West Coast would be cool but it would really just depend on the dates.
Anywhere in the west…or if I finally have a job…anywhere, I love to travel!
I’d LOVE to come out that way but trying to get out of New England is difficult… So EAST!
East coast! Or, if it happens in the winter again… we should just all meet in Florida xD It’s also easy for me to get to California (lots of friends in the area) but the middle of the country is a lot harder.
Easy Coast! MD, PA, VA, NC, NJ, WV, DE are all within driving distance for me!
I would love to have it in the midwest, especially the Kentucky area. However, if it needs to be held in winter, then someplace that isn’t prone to snow would probably be better.
East Coast/Mid-Atlantic region! Though I’ll admit, this looked so fun I would probably scrounge together some travel funds 🙂
I have already met a handful of bloggers thru email, texting and then phone calls besides actually meeting face to face. Sprinkler Bandits was recently in the area and hadn’t thought about it… lol
I’m in AZ and so far the people I have met are all over- CO, TX, MN, WA, CA, IN and one in Canada. There is also one in Germany that we exchanged emails for a while, so anything is possible.
East coast! Northeast specifically, but I’m not opposed to travel!
Ontario, Canada
We carry some NO gear at the tack store I work at and the tall boot socks they make are the best! Im sure that the boot socks are just as great 🙂 I LOVE mine!
East Cost 🙂
I’m with Carey: West Coast. CA. Or Chicago area (central). But if in winter, may I suggest you all head out to our SoCal neck of the woods?
Thank you so much for hosting this giveaway! Those socks *drool*
Midwest would be awesome for me. Rolex?!!?
New York!
Somewhere in Australia would be nice! 😉
Where you had it was perfectly fine for me I just couldn’t make it right now. I’m hoping I can go to the next one though!!
ROOOOOOOOOOLEX! We’re in the middle of the country, I mean, it’s perfect.