Winners! Satin Spam! All the Ribbons!
First, I want to announce the winners for my final giveaway contest…
Custom Bonnet! Carly S with a pink and navy bonnet!
Mini Painting! Bette!
Photography Art Print! Bryce!
Congrats to ya’ll. Now I have to get super busy making and getting all these prizes mailed out… no rest for the wicked?
Now there’s one more lady for us to celebrate, because she’s made it to 1,000 blog posts. That’s huge. Think of how many blogs come and go, and then think about how many years 1,000 would typically take.
Impressed? I am.
I don’t usually rip images off of tumblr for blog posts, but when I do it’s for L. Williams.
Because sometimes there isn’t anything to say that is better than looking at a ton of beautiful pictures of ribbons.
Let me love you ribbons.
Let me be with you always.
Come live in my house.
Is there ever such a thing as too many ribbon pictures?
Do you prefer ribbon porn on a horse or stacked/lined up ribbon porn?
You thought I’d be done by now, but I’m not.
L. Williams is hyperventilating at this point.
Is it too much? We are nearing the end.
Never too much. Never enough satin.
So tell me readers – what’s the ribbon or prize you really want to win one day?
26 thoughts on “Winners! Satin Spam! All the Ribbons!”
Yay, hot pink! So much better than Buttercup Head. And this might be the best ribbon porn post I’ve ever seen.
Champion ribbons make me happy <3
I think Fiction would look super spiffy with a neck ribbon 🙂
omfg… yeah wow. looks like my house after I feel bad about something, drink too much and pull the boxes out of the closet to remind myself I am a WINNER. (not really, okay sometimes when I get really fucking down in the dumps)
*licks the ribbons*
This. Yes. I can see it now: “Ribbons! Only slightly more expensive than whiskey and Prozac!”
But seriously, who hasn’t done this?
Sometimes I pet mine and tell them I love them…
MY PRECIOUS http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-WYaRfSsU-w4/UrvRpjA2EKI/AAAAAAAAKds/p6VPCuzPbXQ/s1600/gollum.jpg
I haven’t. All these ribbons give me severe “Where the hell would you even put all these?” anxiety. I’d rather have a gift card. Or money. Those are things I’d like to lick.
I would like to lick those things too. For REALZ.
This whole post is just full of amazing.
::needs to take more ribbon photos::
Congrats to all the winners today!! Everyone is a winner reading this post, drooling at satin! =)
Luckily satin isn’t my end all be all. I don’t show enough to get enough ribbons probably. Mine usually end up in a box until that box is lost in a move and I start a new box. I would love to win a cooler at some point in my future though!
I must confess. I am not into ribbons. ***gasp! My trainer will pick mine up for the banner otherwise the only time I get mine is if I do a ride for ribbons. I don’t even take them home. My 5 year old niece was horrified by this behavior so I have promised to pick up any blues and send them to her. And then I forgot at the last show 🙁 The first NAL Classic I win with Poppy I will keep the ribbon and number though 🙂
I love ribbons and I’m not ashamed to say that yes, I compete for ribbons!! BLUE ones! Of course, I ride for lots of reasons and show for more then just ribbons, but I definitely don’t go to shows without planning on winning blue. I don’t have a particular award goal right now. Awesome post, and congrats LW 😀
Between this post and L’s comment now I want to go digging through old ribbons just for kicks. I really would like to win a neck ribbon someday-and of course all the saddle pads to go with.
This whole post is amazing. Not licking any ribbons though, mine are all dusty from hanging out in the tack room.
satin spam…priceless!
Love ribbons! One day I want to win a rolex!
Pretty pretty pretty!!!
OMG I WON!!!!! WOO!!!! Ok and those are AMAZING ribbons everywhere!!!!!
The nice thing about being an eventer is that ribbons are still special b/c we don’t have the opportunity to win more than 1 in a weekend (per horse that is) so the ribbon collection is a much slower process and less of a chance to OD on the magnificence that ribbons are :D`
I really want to win a GIGANITC neck ribbon one day- the only event in my area that gave out neck ribbons (for 1st place only- to bad if you got any other placing! Just a normal ribbon for you!) held it’s last event in 2002 (still crying over that- LOVED Farewell Farms!) Might need to go to some jumper shows to get the elusive neck ribbon! One day 🙂
So shiny, so slick, so beautiful… and then there’s that ONE PHOTO of that pile of crumpled ribbons thrown in a heap. WHY WOULD ANYONE EVER THROW THEIR RIBBONS IN A PILE WHY WHY!
Damn. I just crossed the two thousand post threshold earlier this month, and I didn’t say anything because I thought, “No one cares about that except me.” Now I am sad because maybe I could have shared in Lauren’s awesome ribbon explosion!
aww this is so nice!! go L!
I would really like to win a year end award some day.